Hurricane Dual Purpose Drill Rig

Maviro, Inc. Environmental Services' dual-purpose skid steer mounted Hurricane drill rig performs both direct push and conventional hollow stem auger functions. Maviro, Inc. owns both rubber tire and low ground pressure tracked Bobcat Skid steer loaders for the carrier/power function. Maviro's tracked skid steer is equipped with special order extended width low ground pressure tracks (full 18” wide). This option allows Maviro to successfully complete drilling needs in soft/ wet ground and/ or extreme slopes situations. The low pressure tracked capability allows for a high amount of traction coupled with minimal ground disturbance – thus minimizing site restoration needs. Additionally, the probing unit can be quickly removed from the skid steer loader to allow installation of an excavation bucket when drilling locations require clearance of snow, earth, debris or other drill site modifications that prevent direct access. This flexibility results in cost savings to the project by eliminating the need for additional conventional excavation equipment.
Simply speaking - the Hurricane dual-purpose drill rig provides unmatched direct push performance coupled with the convenience of full scale auguring capability. Soil borings and/or monitor well are installed with one rig - one mobe.
Notice the machine's ability to utilize both 4 1/4" auger and hammer probing capability. The sliding system allows the driller to manipulate either tool above the hole without moving the carrier/power skid steer mount. The auger is a full-size auger head equipped with 4200 ft-lbs. of torque. The hammer is a Stanley Tools MB156, capable of disintegrating cobbles and sampling the toughest subsurface materials.
Hurricane Rig Features:
54-inch (1372 mm) stroke
25,000 pounds (111kN) pulling capacity, the pulling power you'll need for today's deep probing projects.
Equipped with Stanley MB 156 Soil Probing Hammer – providing 175 ft/lbs. of impact energy @ 1200 blows per minute.
Direct slide lateral movement for offset placement of probes.
Rear stabilization outriggers provide an unsurpassed stable drilling platform.
Hydraulic power from skid-steer power components – superior to conventional track or truck-mounted versions.
Versatile mounting capabilities. The unit does not require full-time dedication to a carrier vehicle – allowing completion of other on-site tasks without the need for additional equipment.
Full-size auger head equipped with 4200 ft-lbs. of torque for concrete drilling, auguring, and anchoring.
Auxiliary hydraulic ports provide power for remote equipment
Size Specifications:
Width – 7.5 feet (maximum rig and skid steer carrier/power unit)
Height – 7.5 feet (drilling mast contracted)
Length – 11.5 feet (including skid steer carrier/power source
Maximum Mast Height – 12.5 feet (extended)
Performance Specifications:
Stroke 60 inches
Lateral Movement (side-to-side)838 mm
Down Force 87kN
Retraction Force 25,000 lb.
Torque: 3,000 ft. lbs.