A variety of remediation technologies are available to address subsurface contamination, including free product recovery, soil venting, air sparging, groundwater recovery and treatment, advanced oxidation, and in situ bioremediation.
These technologies address contamination distributed between free, adsorbed, and dissolved phases in both the vadose (unsaturated) and phreatic (saturated) zones. Selection of appropriate technologies is dependent on a number of factors, including contaminants, site-specific characteristics, clean-up goals, technology feasibility, cost, and regulatory and time requirements. Maviro, Inc. provides expert guidance during the process of choosing the most appropriate remedial response, implementing the solution and obtaining site closure status from all regulatory agencies.
What is a remedial system? – What is its Goal?
'Remedial systems generally involve a process designed to remove contaminants from soil, water or the air at a property that experienced a release of petroleum, solvents, heavy metals or other chemical. Most remedial systems include subsurface collection or dispersion piping attached to pumps, blowers or vacuums located at the surface. The main goal associated with remedial systems are to use mechanical, chemical or biologic means to facilitate reduction of contaminants to various media at a property. The ultimate goal is to reduce contaminant concentrations to levels that remove any environmental liability and allow regulatory closure. The application process as well as the deployed hardware is based on site specific information collected during Maviro-implemented bench scale pilot testing.
Remedial System Design (Process /Philosophy (Overview))
Site remediation is a key Precision service area, complementing our capabilities in site hydrogeological evaluation, contamination assessment, geotechnical engineering, and understanding of regulatory framework. Our remediation expertise spans a range of services, including formulation of alternatives, feasibility evaluations, pilot testing, detailed design, cost analysis, preparation of bid documents, remedial implementation, operations and maintenance, and performance monitoring and assessment. Maviro’s remedial design experience ranges from responses to simple small scale home owner petroleum spills to large major petroleum bulk storage facilities, chemical facilities as well as hazardous waste landfills.
In all but the simplest applications, remedial methodology/system design is site specific. Remedial responses are tailored to provide the best technology fit when considering the sites specific geologic/hydrogeologic character and contaminant occurrence/type.

Precisions solutions are pragmatic, technically innovative and geared to limit a client's potential liability while respecting the realities of schedule and budget. The firm's design work has also been applied to the range of site development conditions from open field settings to active, densely developed industrial plants. In all cases the focus of our efforts has been upon development of a practical, cost-effective, and maintenance-conscious design that meets our clients’ needs.
Our personnel excel in the design of remedial technologies that include:
Groundwater Extraction and Treatment for Source Control and Containment
Free Product Recovery
Total Fluid (Multi Phase) Extraction Air Sparging/Soil Vapor Extraction
Enhanced Biochemical Degradation/ Bioremediation
In situ Chemical Oxidation
Vapor Intrusion Mitigation
The breadth and depth of Precisions experience with remediation design and execution makes the firm well suited to provide second opinions or peer reviews of existing remediation projects with the objective of making recommendations for improving strategy, design, and/or operations to better achieve remedial goals. We are typically fully engaged in the implementation of our recommendations, including management of remedial system construction, startup testing and shakedown, and support of operations, maintenance, monitoring, and regulatory reporting.